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  1. 1. LESSON ONE Coverage: Creation through the Flood Genesis Chapter 1 through Chapter 7 A. Rules 1. First of all, we want to discuss the rules of our Bible Lessons. We are not here to discuss denominations. It matters little what you or I think. Our main concern is "what does the Bible say?'. 2. Our second rule is that we are not here to ask you to join a church. | 3. Our third rule is that we will not argue. B. Theme 1. The theme of our Bible Lessons is "Open your heart when you open your Bible." It is very important that we put aside biased opinions and prejudice in this study and open our hearts to the truths of God's Word. C. The Search 1. The story is told of a very poor family who lived in a large two-story home that had been built: many years before. This family hardly had enough to eat and struggled from week to week to barely exist. For many years they had been in dire need of the necessities of life, but one day, out of curiosity, they decided to explore the attic of their home. To their amazement, they found a chest full of gold, silver, and jewels! Unbelievable riches right at their fingertips, but yet they had been in poverty all those years! The very same story is true in millions of homes all over the world. Right within the pages of our Bibles lie the greatest riches this world will ever know, but yet men pass it by daily and fail to heed the message it contains. Our Bible is not only a guide for a richer, fuller
  2. 2. life in this world, but is also a guide to tell us how to reach that place God has prepared for those who obey the pages of this Book. 2. The search we are beginning tonight is of far greater significance than that made by our forefathers in their search for gold in California in the year 1849. People all over America sold their homes to join the army of prospectors searching for riches. But the gold those historical fortune seekers found soon passed away and was gone. The riches we will find in our search will last us for time and eternity. This study will be the greatest search of my life for truth, and we hope the greatest search of your life. D. The Hands 1. This Book we hold in our hands has been opened by kings and rulers, by rich and poor alike. Many mothers have shed tears on the pages of these sacred writings. But the reason we are opening this blessed Book tonight is to search through its pages for truths that have been hidden from our view and to let God talk to our hearts. Page 1. General View of the Old Testament (click on image to enlarge) A. Expectation and Longing 1. Throughout the Old Testament there is a theme of expectation and longing to find God. Job said, "oh that I knew where I might find Him." Within the heart of every man there is a longing to fill that empty space which was put there by God. Eternity is placed in the heart of every man, and nothing can fill that longing but the eternal God.
  3. 3. B. Books of the Bible 1. The number of books in the Old Testament is quite easy to remember. The word "old" has three letters; the word "Testament" has nine letters. Put three and nine together and you have 39-the number of books in the Old Testament. 2. Division of the Books a. Law -five books consisting of both ceremonial and moral law, including the Ten Commandments all written by Moses. b. History -twelve books consisting of history of the nation of Israel. c. Poetry -five books of promise, praise, prayer, prophecy, and commandments. d. Prophecy -seventeen books-five major and twelve minor prophets. Prophecies in these books deal with Israel at the particular time of their writings and also foretell events to take place in years to come, such as the Messiah, the Church Age, the end times, tribulation, and the Kingdom Age. C. Covers 3,600 Years of Man's Day 1. The Old Testament was written over a period of 1,400 years by thirty-two writers and covers 3,600 years of man's day. These writers came from all walks of life, yet each is in perfect harmony with all the rest. Amos was a country preacher; Isaiah was a brilliant court preacher; Moses was an heir to the throne of Egypt; David was a king and a beautiful song writer, and Solomon was the wisest man that ever lived, but still there is no contradiction in their writings because there was just one author of all thirty-nine books-the Holy Ghost. Read II Pet. 1:21.
  4. 4. 2. We quote from an eminent theologian as he apologizes for the Bible, "Of course, there are scientific errors -we must excuse such mistakes; after all, the Bible is not a textbook of science. We cannot expect it to be scientifically perfect." He is right about one thing; the Bible is not a textbook of science. The Bible is the Word of God written for salvation of souls and deliverance from damnation and hell. There is only one way to be saved, and it is revealed in this Book. However, this book is scientifically correct. Our God made this world, and all the scientific marvels that man is just now discovering were there from the beginning. Man did not surprise God with waves that could broadcast a radio or television program. God made those waves in the beginning. Jet propulsion is not a surprise to God. That force was made in the beginning. The Bible contains no scientific mistakes because God knew every fact of science from the beginning. 3. What would the Bible be like if we tried to change it to suit every scientific fad? Any science book over one year old is obsolete. What would the Bible have been like in 500 B.C. ? A.D. 1000? even 1970? It would be full of absurd scientific ideas and monstrosities. In 1861 the French Academy of Science published a booklet stating fifty-one scientific facts that contradicted the Word of God. It was really impressive when published. Yet today, not one scientist in the world who believes a single one of those so-called facts lives. The most phenomenal thing of all is that THE BIBLE HAS NOT CHANGED. Every syllable is the same as when it was written. 4. Let's be sure of what the Word of God says. Satan loves to make a fool of people and confuse them. A
  5. 5. religious theologian from a University spent much time, money, and years of research to prove that apples do not grow in the Mesopotamian Valley. He was assuming the Bible said Adam and Eve ate an apple from the tree of life. However, the scripture does not tell us what kind of fruit it was. 5. All we know of God, we will find between the covers of the Bible. A study of this natural world will never teach us. We can look at the sunset and think of His beauty; we can look at the thunder and lightning and think of His power; we can think of our conscience and know He is righteous. But to really know Him personally, how He deals with man, what the expectations from man are, how much He loves man-only the Bible reveals this to us. Page 2. The Creation (click on image to enlarge) A. In the Beginning 1. Now let's turn to the first verse of the Bible and read it all together. "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth." It doesn't say HOW He did it, WHY, or WHERE He performed the creation. It doesn't say where it came from, what He made it of-just the bold fact-"In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth." To "create" in its proper sense, is the divine act of absolute creation without the use of pre-existing material, or to call into being that which was not. It is by faith that we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear, Heb. 11:3. 2. Moses, who wrote the book of Genesis, was trained to
  6. 6. be the Pharaoh and was learned in the science of Egypt. Archaeologists have dug up and put together things Moses read and studied. Moses studied in his day the farfetched idea of how the earth hatched from an egg. However, Moses does not mention an egg; only that God created the heaven and the earth. He studied evolution, too. Egyptians taught that man sprang from little white worms found in slime and mud after the annual overflow of the Nile River. This idea might have come from watching a caterpillar change into a butterfly. Their theory of evolution was not far behind those of today. Yet, Moses mentions none of this in his writings. The Bible does not reflect the scientific background of the day in which it was written. The Holy Spirit of God kept it from error. 3. Genesis is a book of beginnings. If you try to go back beyond the beginning, you have only God. He had no beginning, for He is eternal. Before creation there is only God and eternity, and at the end of all things there will still be God and eternity, and we must plan to spend that eternity somewhere. 4. The length of eternity could be illustrated in this way. If the world was one gigantic, stainless steel ball and a little sparrow would come by every thousand years and simply brush his wing against it, when this gigantic ball was completely worn away and nothing left, eternity would have just begun. Page 3. The Creation of the Earth (click on image to enlarge) A. The Days of Creation 1. Genesis 1:2 tells us that the earth was without form and void, or that it was formless and empty. And then
  7. 7. light appeared, Gen. 1:3-5. God brought light to a world that was weird and depressing, dull and monotonous. The earth rotates on its axis at the rate of about 1,000 miles an hour. If it turned at the rate of 100 miles an hour, our days and nights would be ten times as long, the summer would burn up our vegetation every day, and each sprout would freeze in such a long night. The sun, with a surface temperature of 12,000 degrees Fahrenheit, is just far enough away so that this "eternal fire" warms us just enough, and not too much. This light shines just as much in the poor man's hut as in the palace. It is free for all. 2. On the second day, the water above was divided from the waters below. In Hebrew it means, "let there be space between the waters." The waters lifted up from the waters below are in vapor form in the ocean of air above us, forming the atmosphere. This also gives us the air, which we breathe. We live at the bottom of an ocean of atmosphere. A room 60 x 60 x 60 feet will hold 250 pounds of water in the vapor state. Water is held in suspension in the atmosphere above us. The atmosphere and clouds are very important to life. If the atmosphere were thinner, we would be burned of exposure of the sun; if thicker, we would get no sun. If it were not as it is, we would get no sound. The tinkling of a bell nor the boom of a cannon could be heard. 3. On the third day the waters were gathered together unto one place and the dry land was called earth and the waters called seas. Grasses, herbs, and fruit trees were also brought forth. God said, "1 have given every green herb for meat." Here is a statement in biology that is most surprising and in perfect accord with scientific knowledge. The statement about green herbs was not
  8. 8. proven true until the synthesis of chlorophyll was discovered and the fact that all life was dependent on every green thing was made known by science. The vegetable kingdom multiplies so rapidly that if one grain of corn were planted and its yielded seed were planted again for three years straight, the fourth year there would be enough seed available to plant the entire United States-four million square miles. 4. On the fourth day the sun and moon were given to divide the day from the night and to be for signs, for seasons, days, and years. This was the beginning of time. Since there was no such thing as time until this day, we do not know how long the actual creation of the earth took, or the other steps up to this time. 5. On the fifth day God commanded the waters to swarm and the birds to fly in the heavens. There were millions of different creatures. This was the first moving life. 6. On the sixth day the cattle, beasts, and creeping things were made, and the first man, Adam, was formed out of the dust of the earth. The animals were created with a body and a spirit. Man was made with the same plus the ability to choose between right and wrong. This is where the soul of man comes in. It was not enough that man should be made to live above the animals and below God; he must also be capable of building a home and reproducing the human family upon the earth. And so God made mankind of opposite sexes, male and female, man and woman. "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh," Gen. 2:24. Marriage and the home are ordained of God, planted in the very foundation of human life for the accomplishment of His wise and good
  9. 9. purpose. Man was created in God's image, or substance, and a rib was taken from the side of the man to make the first woman. 7. On the seventh day God rested from all He had made, Gen. 2: 1-3. God's perfect number is seven. Seven times God said, "It is good." The words "heaven," "made," and "good" are all mentioned seven times. God's seal of perfection was stamped on everything He made. If God said it was all good, it must have been very good. The six days of creation represent six thousand years of man's day. The seventh day represents God's day. We are living at the very end of man's day and almost at the beginning of God's day of rest, or the one thousand years of peace (the Millennium). Page 4. First Dispensation-Innocence (click on image to enlarge) A. Dispensation of Innocence 1. There are seven dispensations of time we will be studying in our lessons. A dispensation is a period of time in which God deals with man in a particular way. It is a probationary period of time that has always ended in judgment because of the sins of man. We are now living at the very end of the sixth dispensation of time. B. Warned of Consequence of Sin 1. Adam and Eve were created in innocence, surrounded in the Garden of Eden with all the blessings that could come through creation. Everything in this garden was designed for their happiness. God planted the first garden in this beautiful paradise, and He placed Adam there to
  10. 10. dress it and keep it. There were abundant provisions for food, shelter, and clothing as he found need for them and the earth was rich in resources for him to develop. The best part of all was that he had fellowship with God. The earth was a perfect paradise -no fear of man or beast, no thorns or thistles, no fatigue or pain. There was only one requirement, only one simple commandment-"Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die," Gen. 2:16-17. C. The Serpent 1. Satan came to Eve in the form of the serpent, and asked her, "Why is God keeping you from that fruit? Can He really love you when He limits you so much?" Satan accused God of being selfish, unjust, and cruel. "He's not really interested in your welfare. He doesn't want you to be as He is." Satan implied he knew as much about the tree as God. "Go ahead and eat of it. You'll be wise." When Eve saw that it was "good for food" (the lust of the flesh), that it was "pleasant to the eyes" (lust of the eyes), and it was a tree to be desired "to make one wise" (pride of life), she could no longer resist. She ate of the fruit! (I John 2:15-16 gives us the steps in the fall of man.) 2. Here we learn one important lesson. Though the tempter may persuade us to sin, he cannot force us to transgress the laws of God. Eve took of the fruit of her own willful choice and act. Adam followed her example and speedily shared her sin of disobedience and its tragic consequences. Some may wonder, since man was made in God's own image, why didn't God make man incapable of choosing sin? Then there would have been no sin to grieve Him.
  11. 11. But neither would there have been any voluntary and faithful worship to please Him. If there is no opportunity for a Cain to develop, there is also no opportunity for an Abraham to walk by faith with God. God could have no satisfaction from a world of puppets. Man was made in God's image, but he had his own free will. D. Sin Breaks Communion With God 1. Eve ate the forbidden fruit and then gave it to Adam, causing him to sin: also. No one sins alone. We always influence someone else by our actions. For instance, if one of us sins in front of our children, the same sin, no doubt, will be repeated in their lives. 2. Did the marvelous results Satan promised come? No-only a sense of guilt and sordid shame resulted. They wanted to cover their souls. That was impossible, so they attempted to cover their bodies. When they heard God's voice so many times before, there was joy -but now there was fear caused by sin. They became afraid and hid themselves. Sin cannot stand in the presence of God. It seeks a hiding place. 3. And the Lord called unto Adam and said, "Where art thou? God sought Adam, not Adam sought God. It is always the same pattern, Rom. 3:11. God sought Abraham, Jacob, and Moses. "Ye have not chosen Me, I have chosen you," John 15:16. 4. "I am afraid" is mentioned for the first time in the Bible. "Because I was naked, I hid myself." Here we catch the first note of that bell of conscience, which rings through man's history. When they sinned, they knew they were naked, and they sought to cover themselves. Thus clothing marks the dawn of guilt-sin, shame, and clothing. Every suit of clothes, every milliner's shop, every display window in a department store is a witness to the fact of
  12. 12. sin, of conscience, of man's fall, for all clothing goes back to that. 5. Sin breaks communion with God. "The soul that sinneth, it shall die." Adam and Eve died a spiritual death that day. No longer did God walk with them. Through the fall man became subject to physical, spiritual, and eternal death. Page 5. Innocence Ends in Judgment -"The Expulsion" (click on image to enlarge) A. The Curse 1. Three curses were given because of the fall of man. The serpent received the first curse. "Thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life." 2. The woman received the second curse. "I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." 3. The ground was then cursed for Adam's sake. "In sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." 4. That curse is still upon the ground because we know how easily weeds grow. A cocklebur produces two seeds. One grows the first year and the other the following year. If the first seed is damaged or perishes after it sprouts, the second seed immediately
  13. 13. springs up. It is the opposite with useful plants. They grow only by much toil and cultivation. 5. Four consequences evolved from their sin. There was physical suffering with many burdens to bear. There was mental suffering; haunting fear. Social suffering-their children had to also bear the curse. Greatest of all was the spiritual suffering, because now they were separated from God. B. The Promise 1. When we as humans would be angry at the foolishness of man's sin, God, in His mercy, gives us a promise. " And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel," Gen. 3: 15. In speaking to the serpent, God made a promise of ultimate victory for man. Woman caused the fall, and a woman was to be the source of redemption. 2.The remainder of the Bible is a development of this promise. In the Old Testament-He is coming. The gospels say-He has arrived. The epistles tell us He is coming again. 3. The promise of Genesis 3:15 not only gave the hope of a Redeemer who would contend with Satan and overcome him, but also implied that there would be perpetual enmity between the opposing seeds in the world. The seed of the serpent and the seed, or spiritual children, of the Deliverer would be in a continual conflict of opposing each other. The one would bruise the heel of his opponent, but the other would ultimately bruise his head, or destroy his usurped authority in the world and overthrow his kingdom. Thus a perpetual warfare is declared between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom
  14. 14. of the devil among men. Jesus once said to the wicked, "You are of your father the devil," or in other words, "the seed of the serpent." C. Adam and Eve Driven From Garden 1. When man knew that he was naked, he sought to make a covering of his own and failed. Then God made him a covering out of the skins of animals. To cover his nakedness was not so easy as man had thought; it took the life of an animal. To cover man's sin and guilt is no simple and easy matter. It takes life and death-even the life and death of Jesus Christ to cover the nakedness of man's sin. "Without the shedding of blood is no remission." 2. Man was driven from the Garden of Eden with its blessings and delights and cherubim's were placed at the east of the garden with a flaming sword to keep them from eating of the Tree of Life. This tree is not mentioned again in the Bible until the very end of all things-the New Jerusalem that is prepared for the bride of Christ. Man will never be permitted to eat of this tree until that day when sin and death have forever been destroyed. 3. Satan rejoiced as he heard God pronounce judgment on Adam and Eve. He envies people's happiness and doesn't care whom he hurts. Eve never dreamed of this horrible outcome at the first of her conversation with Satan. Satan made sin look so desirable and beneficial. He made her believe she would be greater than God and have more liberty. Now, how man must struggle to live. Thorns and thistles grew along with fruits and flowers. Every person in the bondage of sin is bound with invisible chains. Death began to work in their bodies, but most horrible of all, they were separated from God. They traded
  15. 15. the Garden of Eden for a world of sin, sorrow, sickness, and death. 4. From this day on, the soul became the battlefield we still fight on. Satan is subtle and cunning; he adapts himself to any circumstance and any situation. He is cruel with no pity even for children. Five out of six young people between the ages of twelve and eighteen harbor the thought of atheism. If only Eve had never talked to him or listened. "Resist the devil and he will flee from you." Let us not be ignorant of his devices. He works skillfully on the poorest drunkard or the biggest organization such as the United Nations. "The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation," II Pet. 2:9. As a roaring lion, he may come to you in sheep's clothing. Page 6. Second Dispensation-Conscience (click on image to enlarge) A. Cain and Abel Born 1. On damp, chilly evenings, the family would gather around the fireside. Adam and Eve would tell their children, Cain and Abel, of how life used to be in the garden, how God's full pleasure shone on them, and of the joy of fellowship with God. The entire world was peaceful then. The words "enemy," "fear," "pain," and "danger" were unknown. But then the terrible day of disobedience dawned. Their sin was no secret, for all could see its results. What strange feeling the two sons must have felt. The hands of God had molded their parents. They had not been, nor any other of the billions to be born. All mankind would be
  16. 16. born according to the laws of nature. They would not be shapen from dampened dust, nor taken from the ribs of one in deep sleep. No doubt they longed for the day when the curse would be removed. 2. Eve said upon Cain's birth, "I have gotten a man from the Lord," Gen. 4:1. When her pain and labor had been forgotten, she remembered the promise so well spoken to her by God after the fall. "The seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent." How she must have dreamed and hoped that this child would cancel and recall the curse, which was fallen upon them. And Adam's sons must have wondered how long it would be before the curse would be lifted. "Will we ever be permitted in the garden again?" I'm sure they must have talked of ways to please God. They were anxious for His displeasure to pass. 3. Cain and Abel, the first sons born to Adam and Eve, are representative of the opposing seeds. Abel was righteous, while Cain was of the wicked one. The Cain-spirit never ends until "the seed of the woman" returns to set up His Kingdom on earth, and His adversary, "that wicked one" is cast into the lake of fire. In the process of time, Cain and Abel brought their respective offerings to the Lord. Cain offered the fruit of the ground, while Abel brought an offering of atonement, made by faith. No doubt Adam, their father, had told them the story of the fall and its tragic consequences, but Cain, with indifferent heart, came his own way with the fruit of a cursed earth and without humility or faith. God had no respect for his offering, but accepted Abel's offering. The reason God acknowledged Abel's offering is because it takes the shedding of blood to remit sins. Abel "heard" that God
  17. 17. required a sacrifice. Faith comes by hearing, and not by fancy, Heb. 11:4. B. Cain Kills Abel 1. Jealousy and wounded pride could be seen in the eyes of Cain. It is as scary as if a madman were peeking at you through a window as it is to look in eyes filled with jealousy and hate. We want to cry out, "Cain, why act that way? Why not humble yourself and ask God what is wrong? Why not do as Abel is doing, if that pleases God?" 2. Then without warning, there came a sound that neither Cain nor Abel had ever heard. Their mother and father had often spoken of it. It was the voice of God speaking again to man. "Why are you wroth? Why is your countenance fallen? If thou doest well, should thou not be accepted, and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door." This is the first time the terrible word "sin" was spoken. It sounds its sad horrible note all through the Bible. God is warning Cain against future sins. Lain had already displeased God by the spirit in which he brought his offering. "If thou doest not well, sin lieth (literally "croucheth") at the door." There at humanity's door, crouching, waiting, sin was. What a picture of sin and temptation. If I had ever seen a wild beast, a tiger or panther, watching us, crouching, its body low to the ground, ready to make a cruel spring on my child, I could never forget it. Now God Himself is tenderly explaining to Cain "sin is like a crouching beast." Cain, sin is watching you, waiting for you, ready to spring on you at the first opportunity. 3. " And unto thee shall be his desire." Sin desires to have you. What a sermon God is preaching to man. How
  18. 18. carefully God warns Cain against the danger of future sin, and actually, this sermon is direct to every one of us. It is a strong, clear, tender warning. How many million will ignore it! Cain will, Solomon, Judas, and Peter will! Sin is so dangerous because a sin once committed seems to love that sinner with a kind of tigerous, murderous ferocity. It is God's way of telling us that sin seeks to repeat itself. One man said, It is easier to find one who has never committed a sin than to find one who has never committed the same sin twice." 4. Hearing the voice of God, Cain should have fallen to his knees. But no! His angry mind became even angrier. So, God not only refuses my offering, but also tells me my whole attitude is wrong. Well, I'll handle things my own way." He refused to admit he had not done well and that his life needed improvement. Cain's bitterness screamed and pounded at his mind. Bitterness is like a poison that spreads all over the system. Violence gathered like a hurricane in his mind. We don't know how much time passed after God's warning; Maybe one day-maybe many. The Bible just says "one day when they were in the field, Cain talked with Abel his brother." Perhaps they were discussing the accepted and rejected sacrifices. I can see a strong arm uplifted and one crushing blow! Then, murder came bursting into the world. 5. Cain must have been horrified to see Abel's face in death. For the first time, he is looking at a face of death. Here is the finish of sin-death! This is not the only time jealousy will strike a fatal blow. Just like so many murderers yet to be born, Cain ran away. "If I can only get away from this body, I'll forget." What he didn't realize was that to run and hide was the beginning of
  19. 19. punishment. No doubt Cain ran many miles, but with every step, he remembered the act: and horrible silence of Abel in death. 6. Then Cain hears the voice of God again. "Where is Abel thy brother?" He answers, "I know not," (a lie-then Cain became insolent). "Am I my brother's keeper?" Did Cain really think that God did not know where Abel was? Does sin blind a person that much and warp his mind that quick? If it were not written in God's Word, one could hardly believe a man would speak so impudently when he realized he was talking to God! Cain's cold, defying impudence shows the state of his heart that led to murder. He could never have committed this crime if he had not first cast off his fear of God. Sin poisons the heart and drugs the conscience. 7. Adam and Eve reaped the first fruits of the fall, to see their first son a murderer and their second son the murdered victim of enmity between the "seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent." 8. God speaks again, "Now you are cursed from the earth which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand. Henceforth when you till the ground it shall yield you no return; a fugitive and a vagabond you will be." Cain, you've made an enemy, not only of God, but of the earth also. This fills Cain with fear. "My punishment is greater than I can bear." All of a sudden, he becomes a coward; afraid of everyone. " All that see me shall slay me." His main punishment would be the sorrow and regret he felt in his soul. Where did the fugitive go? No one knows for sure. We just know he "went out from the presence of the Lord." "Went out"-two words that tell the sad and changeless story of the wages of sin: Sin
  20. 20. separates! The descendants of Cain became inventors of instruments of music, or entertainment, as a substitute for the presence of God. Read Eccl. 7:29. "Men have sought out many inventions as substitutions." C. Righteous Seed Renewed 1. God gave Adam and Eve another son, Seth, and renewed the righteous seed in him. Then men began to call on the name of the Lord. 2. The corruption, which had become so great in the line of Cain, overspread the whole earth. The wickedness of man was almost inconceivable; every wicked imagination of the heart was evil continually, and deeds of violence are everywhere. Cain, a murderer driven from God, founded this first civilization. No one among his descendants called on God; they ignored Him. No doubt Adam and Eve looked with horror at the growing rebellion and impudence for their grandsons and great-grandsons. They were depraved and putrid in God's eyes. D. Noah Found Grace 1. Amid this universal wickedness, one faithful man was found. To this righteous man, Noah, God announced His purpose to destroy the world.
  21. 21. Page 7. Noah Builds the Ark (click on image to enlarge) A. Make Thee An Ark 1. Noah was just, perfect, and walked with God. Only of one other man was it said that they walked with God -Enoch. Noah had never seen it rain; had never heard of or seen an ark. There was no water nearby to launch it. But God had said, "Make thee an ark of gopher wood," and so Noah set out to do just that. People ridiculed him and held their ribs with laughter when they heard that a flood was coming. To the people of that day, it seemed impossible that it would rain. To us today, it seems almost unbelievable that there is going to be rapture! "Oh, I've heard that story since I was just a kid," the scoffers say. But yet, it is coming just as surely as the flood came. 2. Noah had to care for his family, preach, and build an ark. He had to plant food for them to eat and also harvest it: His question might have been, "How much time should I spend each day building this ark?" He didn't know when the flood would come, but he knew he must be ready when it did happen. Therefore, he had to arrange his day carefully between taking care of his family, preaching, and preparing a means of salvation from the flood. We must also be careful in arranging our day. We know that judgment is coming and our preparation for it is the most important thing in the world. B. Noah Warns of Coming Judgment 1. Man was created to be good and 1ive worthily. He failed that test of obedience and continued to drift in sin. He practiced every evil possible. God gave instruction,
  22. 22. guidance, and warning, but the love of sin continues even until we hear the cry "Give us Barabbas." Sin spreads so fast; it doesn't take long to spread from one heart to another. It is universal. In Noah's day the whole earth was filled with wickedness. All were going with the tide except one man-Noah! Noah was about five hundred years old when he heard the call to build an ark. His pulpit was the dockyard where he worked. He wasn't building it just for his family, but he preached and pleaded daily for others to be saved from the flood. A great wave of indifference engulfed the world of his day, yet the need was never greater. Today the world is indifferent to the things of God; yet He is pleading with us. 2. In one sense, Noah was not a very successful preacher. Out of all his preaching, Noah saved only seven, but from those seven, he saved the whole world. Before the day of the flood, Noah and his family were in the minority by far; yet when the flood came, they were in the majority. 3. Then on that last day, God called Noah and his family into the ark. Noah chose to go in just as much as the others chose to stay out. Of all the clean beasts Noah took seven in the ark. Of the unclean, only two, a male and a female. And then, in simple, but impressive words the Bible describes the horrible catastrophe. The Bible paints no scenes as human writers would. We see nothing of the death struggle; we hear not the cry of despair. Only one impression is left with vividness-the utter destruction of all flesh, save Noah and his family. Oh, the horror of many clinging to huge rocks still above water with fathers reaching for their children and their wives clinging to them. Both man and wild beasts were looking for safety. Maybe some pounded on the ark,
  23. 23. thinking that Noah would let them in. But God has shut the door! The fountains of the great deep were broken up and the windows of heaven were opened. The waters rose fifteen cubits above the highest mountain. For one hundred fifty days the earth was a shore less ocean. Only one boat sailing without a human pilot, "but God remembered Noah." Oh no, He didn't ever forget him- not for a moment! 4. Was God just in bringing the flood to destroy sinful man? The answer lies in the history of His treatment of His creatures before this event. He had given Adam and Eve clear instructions about the consequences of sin; had warned Cain before he murdered Abel; had called Enoch to walk by His side; had counseled with Noah; and with all of them He had walked frequently; that in His wonderful presence righteousness might become attractive to them. But now He says, "My Spirit will not always strive with man." In other words, God's Spirit strives with man as long as there is any hope of saving him; until in the depth of sin he literally drives God away. 5. What a judgment! The flood was purging a corrupt generation, preparing the way for a better generation. In a certain sense, God does this from age to age. He turns the earth upside down like a dish and empties it of its inhabitants. He sweeps the earth clean of each generation of men and starts with another; a new generation. This is accomplished through death. Page 8. The Ark That Noah Built (click on image to enlarge) A. Size of Ark 1. Read from the circles the size of the ark and its capacity. Actually,
  24. 24. 1,310 railroad boxcars could have been put inside the ark. The average size of all animals put together would be about the size of two household cats. So, we see that there would have been plenty of room in Noah's ark for all it contained, plus plenty of room for food. Skeptics say that Noah couldn't have built a boat big enough to hold all those animals, but according to the dimensions God gave him, it could easily have been done. 2. There was never any definite length of the cubit in ancient days. Most common was the cubit of the elbow, that is, the distance from the elbow to the fingertip. There was also the cubit of the armpit, or the distance of the whole arm. Ancient Egypt had two lengths for the cubit at different times. One was the length of a newborn child; the other was the length of the king at a certain age. The cubit we are using is called the "great cubit," which is the distance from the elbow to the fingertip plus a hand's breadth. This is the size of the cubit given to Ezekiel by God. Page 9. Days of Noah-Coming of Christ (click on image to enlarge) A. Comparison 1. Read Matt. 24:37-44 and II Pet. 3:3-7. There is a perfect parallel between Noah's day and our day. Read from the chart the conditions prevailing in Noah's day, and then the scriptures and statistics for our day. 2. Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse: a. Murders for 1977-19,120-up 38% over 1968 b. Forcible rape for 1977-63,020-up 99% over 1968
  25. 25. c. Robbery for 1977-404,85O---up 54% over 1968 d. Crime rate is up eight times more than the population increase e. One murder is committed every 27 minutes f. One forcible rape every 8 minutes g. One robbery every 78 seconds 3. Marrying and giving in marriage: a. Seventy-years ago-one divorce in 40 marriages b. Today-one divorce out of two 4. Knowledge increased-about 90% of all scientists are living now-college: Universities, etc. 5. As a snare shall it come on them that dwell on the earth-the Flood seems impossible; the rapture seems unbelievable. 6. Read other three comparisons and the scriptures. 7. This judgment of the Flood will be as nothing compared to the last judgments that are soon to happen when the small, the great, ancient, medieval and modern man shall stand before the judgment seat of God. The next event to occur is the rapture of the Church. Are you prepared, should He come tonight? SEARCH FOR TRUTH HOME BIBLE STUDY PROGRAM THEME: "Open your heart when you open your Bible." LESSON NO.1 Study Sheet Coverage: Creation through the Flood Page 1. General View of the Old Testament 1. Number of books-39 (Old, 3-Testament, 9 = 39) 2. Theme of Old Testament-expectation and longing, ]ob 23:3 3. Period of writing-1400 years by 32 different writers, II Pet. 1:21
  26. 26. 4. Books of Bible a. Law-5 books b. History-12 books c. Poetry-5 books d. Prophecy-5 major-12 minor Page 2. The Creation 1. "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth." Gen. 1:1, Heb. 11:3,]ob 38:1-7 2. Genesis is a book of beginnings Page 3 The Creation of the Earth 1. First day, light appears, Gen. 1:3-5 2. Second day, water above divided from waters below, Gen. 1:6-8 3. Third day, earth and sea divided, grass and trees, Gen. 1:9-13 4. Fourth day, sun and moon given for light, time, and seasons, Gen. 1:14-19 5. Fifth day, sea creatures, fowls of the air created, Gen. 1:20-23 6. Sixth day, cattle, beasts, and first man Adam, Gen. 1:24- 31 7. Seventh day, God rested from all that He had made, Gen. 2:1-3 Page 4. First Dispensation- Innocence 1. Adam and Eve warned of consequence of sin, Gen. 2: 15-17 2. The serpent deceives Eve, Gen. 3: I 3. Adam and Eve eat of forbidden fruit, Gen. 3:6-7 4. Sin breaks communion with God, Gen. 2:15-11 5. God sought Adam, Rom. 3:11,John 15:16 Page 5. Innocence ends in judgment
  27. 27. 1. The curse, Gen. 3:14-19 2. The promise, Gen. 3:15, Rom. 5:19 3. Adam and Eve are sent from the garden, Gen. 3:23-24 Page 6. Second Dispensation-Conscience 1. Birth of Cain and Abel, Gen. 4: 1-2 2. Cain kills Abel, Gen. 4:8 3. Seth begins bloodline of promised Redeemer, Gen. 4:25-26 4. World became very wicked, but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, Gen. 6:1-8 Page 7. Noah Builds the Ark 1. Noah builds an ark of gopher wood, Gen. 6:14-16 2. Noah warns of coming judgment, 11 Pet. 2:5 3. Conscience Dispensation ends in judgment by the flood Page 8. The Ark that Noah Built 1. Size: 600 ft. long, 100 ft. wide, 60 ft. high 2. Would hold 1,310 box cars, or 100 Barnum circuses Page 9. Days of Noah-Coming of Christ, Matt. 24:37-44,11 Pet. 3:3-7 1. Wickedness great in the earth-11 Tim. 3.13 2. Large number of unholy marriages-Matthew. 24:38-39 3. Many men of renown, Dan. 12:4 4. World unaware of approaching disaster, Luke 21:35 5. All the earth corrupt, 11 Tim. 3:2 6. Noah's family enters ark for safety, I Thessalonians. 4: 17 7. Noah returns to earth after flood, Jude 14-15


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